

As the software has many definitions to be better understood, here is a list of the most widely used terms in Znuny.

Agent interface

This interface allows agents to communicate with customers.


Entities used by OTRS/Znuny to assign permissions to modules and queues.


A customer is an entity for bundling resources to many customer users.

Customer interface

This interface allows customers to submit and reply to requests and start processes.

Customer User

Requester assigned to a ticket. The person receiving support. The owner of an asset. A member of a customer entity.

External Ticket Number

A number used to reference an external ticket allowing both the systems own ticket number, as well as one or more additional numbers to be used for communications.


An object used to represent the service applied to a ticket, in the ITIL sense.

Service Level Agreement

In the sense of ITIL, and agreed upon time frame for responding to, updating, and solving of specific requests.


A service level agreement.


Used as the short form of a package or add-on which can be installed in the system.