Working Hours and Calendars

Working Hours and Calendars#

Work Calendars#

Work calendars not to be configured with the web calendars. Work calendars are configured centrally and used by the following components for calculation of escalation.

  • Queues

  • Service Level Agreements

Configure a Work Calendar#

Calendars are configured in the system configuration under the navigation group:

Znuny > Core > Time

Configuration Tree Image

Here you have, by default, ten calendars, starting with Core::Time (default calendar). The default will apply if no calendar is selected. For each calendar you have the following options:

  • TimeWorkingHours

  • TimeVacationDaysOneTime

  • TimeVacationDays

  • TimeZone

  • CalendarWeekDayStart

  • CalendarName


For single timezone systems, you can set your default timezone for all users with UserDefaultTimeZone in Core::Time.


Ensue that OTRSTimeZone is set to the timezone of your server. We recommend to always use UTC on your servers.