Administrator Interface

Administrator Interface#

Administrating an instance requires a bit of experience and understanding of how the administration area works and how modules are interconnected.

As an administrator you will need to be able to

  • Create And Manage Queues

  • Add And Manage Email Addresses And Accounts

  • Filter Emails

  • Perform Automated Tasks

  • Add, Expand, Maintain Processes

  • Add and Maintain Web Services

  • Manage Users, Customers, And Customer Users

  • Manage Roles, Permissions (Groups), And Access (ACLs).

  • Activate And Deactivate Features

  • Maintain And Read Logs

In the following chapters all of the required modules for this work are outlined.

The general rules are:

  • A role has permissions to modules and queues.

  • A queue requires a group, working calendar and an email address.

  • A queue contains tickets.

  • Modules allow users to access tickets and features.

  • Modules can be affected by ACLs or role permissions.

  • Processes are specially designed and have built-in automation.

  • E-mails can be received in multiple ways and dispatch by recipient, queue, filter, or generic agent.

  • Cases can be created by e-mail, phone and web, or generic interface.

  • Configuring a module or feature is done centrally in the system configuration.

Additional Resouces#

Here’s additional information and chapters regarding administering your system, including some small use cases.