About Znuny#
Znuny is the continuation of the OTRS Project created in 2001 by Martin Edenhofer. OTRS AG discontinued maintenance of the ((OTRS)) Community Edition in 2020. Martin’s company Znuny GmbH then forked the project to continue it under the name Znuny.
Since then the software has continued to grow, as never before, through contributions from many open-source support vendors and the hard work and financial backing from Znuny GmbH.
Znuny is used in a variety of ways. Some of the most popular are listed below:
Customer Service
Human Relations
IT Service Management
Facility Management
Association Management
Free to Use#
Under the GPL v3 license, the framework remains: free to use, free to rework, free to re-distribute, and free of charge.
See what the code does, modify, extend, and share it. Never be left in the dark when it comes to your data and the processes handling it.
Revision Security#
Znuny is audit-proof. The following features ensure this fact:
Revising core data is not possible for the user.
Core data is:
All communication and their attachments are unchangeable by the user.
All modifications to a ticket during the lifecycle are documented in the ticket history. * Who did what and when to the ticket.
A communication is:
any telephone notes
internal notes
external notes
web service requests
or any other channel extended by an add-on.
The complete communication chain is documented, contains a timestamp, and is permanent for each request.
Each change of content’s history entry can be explicitly configured
This applies specifically, but not exclusively, to request attributes like:
user assignment
request title
assigned service
SLA agreement
configured dynamic fields
Deleting a request is a superuser task separately logged by the system.