User Toolbars#

User toolbars appear in the navigation area, if configured, and give users quick access to filtered overviews.

Additionally, some toolbars are quick access items to create objects.

Lastly, there is also system views which can appear in the toolbar area.


Toolbars can also be included in many add-on features like FAQ or ITSM packages.

Toolbar image


Escalation View

Status View

Queue View

Service View

Mention View

Personal Views#

The user toolbars include:

Owned Tickets

Locked Tickets

Responsible Tickets

Watched Tickets


The quick access icons include

New Phone Ticket

New Email Ticket

New Process Ticket

Search Toolbars#

There are several search toolbars available for use and these can be configured in the system configuration area.

Ticket Search Profile

If Frontend::ToolBarModule###210-Ticket::TicketSearchProfile is enabled, then saved profiles will be selectable directly in the toolbar.

Full Text Ticket Search

If Frontend::ToolBarModule###220-Ticket::TicketSearchFulltext is enabled then the entire ticket (excluding attachments and dynamic fields) will be searched.

Added in version 6.4.3: Additional configuration can be added to limit the search to ticket of specific attributes, by the system administrator. Most any attribute of type STRING can be configured to limit the results of the search.

Customer Search

If Frontend::ToolBarModule###230-CICSearchCustomerID is enabled, you may search for a customer, and access the customer information center directly.

Customer User Search

If Frontend::ToolBarModule###230-CICSearchCustomerUser is enabled, you may search for a customer user, and access the customer user information center directly.