Znuny 7.1.1

Znuny 7.1.1#

Release Information:

Release Date


Release Type

Minor version release






  • GenericInterface: TicketCreate and TicketUpdate operations now accept multiple articles.

  • GenericInterface: Omitted fields now apply to the whole data passed through invokers.

  • Standard templates can now belong to multiple template types.

  • Database character set and collation for MySQL and MariaDB is now utf8mb4.

  • Outgoing emails can have the X-Priority header.

  • The agent’s displayname in mentions follows now the setting FirstnameLastnameOrder.

  • Improved medium and preview overviews when using S/MIME and GPG.

  • Bulk action for the ticket watch feature.

  • Integration of the add-on MarkTicketSeenUnseen.

  • The favicon can be configured via system configuration.

  • Added a dark skin.

  • Added start and end log messages to the Znuny daemon. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #392

  • Added display hint when a draft for the same action already exists.

  • PostMaster now support also IDs for state, priority, ticket type, service, queue, and SLA headers.

  • New console command to export only the changed system configuration settings.

  • Added configurable timeout for DNS resolver queries. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #390

  • New backend (DBJSON) for user preferences to improve performance on large systems.

  • All table have now primary keys.

Fixed Issues#

  • Fixed filtering of columns on the agent dashboard and in ticket overviews. #510 and #555

  • Improved and fixed links to the CustomerUser and Customer Information Center in several views.

  • Fixed missing translations on title hovers on the generic dashboard.

  • Updated JavaScript dependencies Moment.js and jQueryUI.

  • Fixed event registration regular expressions in the system configuration Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski) for reporting. #440

  • Fixed unwanted logout when some personal settigs are saved.

Read about all changes in the CHANGES.md. See the commits on GitHub for a list of all changes.