- OTRS Admin Manual
- OTRS::ITSM Manual
- OTRS Developer Manual
- OTRS API Reference
With OTRS 2.2, native ticket types were introduced, which are used in OTRS::ITSM, too. In the ITIL sub-processes, which can be structured in queues, tickets are classified by their ticket types.
All ITIL processes to be implemented in later versions of OTRS::ITSM, e.g. change management, will be implemented in such a way. Ticket types such as RfC ("Request for Change") could be created.
In order to assure the consistency of the data managed in OTRS::ITSM, information created in the admin area of the system cannot be deleted as a general rule. If you want to deactivate such information, change the value in the respective listbox settings from "valid" to "invalid" or "invalid-temporarily".