OTRS 6.0 API Reference Perl

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OTRS 6.0 API Reference Perl > Perl Modules > Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::MIMEBase


Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::MIMEBase - base class for all MIME based article backends


This is a base class for article data in MIME format and should not be instantiated directly. Always get real backend instead, i.e. Email, Phone or Internal.

Basic article data is always stored in a database table, but extended data uses configured article storage backend. For plain text representation of the message, use Body field. For original message with email headers, use "ArticlePlain()" method to retrieve it from storage backend. Attachments are handled by the storage backends, and can be retrieved via "ArticleAttachment()".

Inherits from Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::Base.

See also Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::MIMEBase::Base and Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::Email.



Don't instantiate this class directly, get instances of the real backends instead:

    my $ArticleBackendObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Ticket::Article')->BackendForChannel(ChannelName => 'Email');


Create a MIME article.

    my $ArticleID = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleCreate(
        TicketID             => 123,                              # (required)
        SenderTypeID         => 1,                                # (required)
                                                                  # or
        SenderType           => 'agent',                          # (required) agent|system|customer
        IsVisibleForCustomer => 1,                                # (required) Is article visible for customer?
        UserID               => 123,                              # (required)

        From           => 'Some Agent <email@example.com>',       # not required but useful
        To             => 'Some Customer A <customer-a@example.com>', # not required but useful
        Cc             => 'Some Customer B <customer-b@example.com>', # not required but useful
        Bcc            => 'Some Customer C <customer-c@example.com>', # not required but useful
        ReplyTo        => 'Some Customer B <customer-b@example.com>', # not required
        Subject        => 'some short description',               # not required but useful
        Body           => 'the message text',                     # not required but useful
        MessageID      => '<asdasdasd.123@example.com>',          # not required but useful
        InReplyTo      => '<asdasdasd.12@example.com>',           # not required but useful
        References     => '<asdasdasd.1@example.com> <asdasdasd.12@example.com>', # not required but useful
        ContentType    => 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15',      # or optional Charset & MimeType
        HistoryType    => 'OwnerUpdate',                          # EmailCustomer|Move|AddNote|PriorityUpdate|WebRequestCustomer|...
        HistoryComment => 'Some free text!',
        Attachment => [
                Content     => $Content,
                ContentType => $ContentType,
                Filename    => 'lala.txt',
                Content     => $Content,
                ContentType => $ContentType,
                Filename    => 'lala1.txt',
        NoAgentNotify    => 0,                                      # if you don't want to send agent notifications
        AutoResponseType => 'auto reply'                            # auto reject|auto follow up|auto reply/new ticket|auto remove

        ForceNotificationToUserID   => [ 1, 43, 56 ],               # if you want to force somebody
        ExcludeNotificationToUserID => [ 43,56 ],                   # if you want full exclude somebody from notfications,
                                                                    # will also be removed in To: line of article,
                                                                    # higher prio as ForceNotificationToUserID
        ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID => [ 43,56 ],               # the same as ExcludeNotificationToUserID but only the
                                                                    # sending gets muted, agent will still shown in To:
                                                                    # line of article

Example with "Charset & MimeType" and no "ContentType".

    my $ArticleID = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleCreate(
        TicketID             => 123,                                 # (required)
        SenderType           => 'agent',                             # (required) agent|system|customer
        IsVisibleForCustomer => 1,                                   # (required) Is article visible for customer?

        From             => 'Some Agent <email@example.com>',       # not required but useful
        To               => 'Some Customer A <customer-a@example.com>', # not required but useful
        Subject          => 'some short description',               # required
        Body             => 'the message text',                     # required
        Charset          => 'ISO-8859-15',
        MimeType         => 'text/plain',
        HistoryType      => 'OwnerUpdate',                          # EmailCustomer|Move|AddNote|PriorityUpdate|WebRequestCustomer|...
        HistoryComment   => 'Some free text!',
        UserID           => 123,
        UnlockOnAway     => 1,                                      # Unlock ticket if owner is away

Events: ArticleCreate


Returns single article data.

    my %Article = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleGet(
        TicketID      => 123,   # (required)
        ArticleID     => 123,   # (required)
        DynamicFields => 1,     # (optional) To include the dynamic field values for this article on the return structure.
        RealNames     => 1,     # (optional) To include the From/To/Cc/Bcc fields with real names.


    %Article = (
        TicketID             => 123,
        ArticleID            => 123,
        From                 => 'Some Agent <email@example.com>',
        To                   => 'Some Customer A <customer-a@example.com>',
        Cc                   => 'Some Customer B <customer-b@example.com>',
        Bcc                  => 'Some Customer C <customer-c@example.com>',
        ReplyTo              => 'Some Customer B <customer-b@example.com>',
        Subject              => 'some short description',
        MessageID            => '<asdasdasd.123@example.com>',
        InReplyTo            => '<asdasdasd.12@example.com>',
        References           => '<asdasdasd.1@example.com> <asdasdasd.12@example.com>',
        ContentType          => 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15',
        Body                 => 'the message text',
        SenderTypeID         => 1,
        SenderType           => 'agent',
        IsVisibleForCustomer => 1,
        IncomingTime         => 1490690026,
        CreateBy             => 1,
        CreateTime           => '2017-03-28 08:33:47',
        Charset              => 'ISO-8859-15',
        MimeType             => 'text/plain',

        # If DynamicFields => 1 was passed, you'll get an entry like this for each dynamic field:
        DynamicField_X => 'value_x',

        # If RealNames => 1 was passed, you'll get fields with contact real names too:
        FromRealname => 'Some Agent',
        ToRealname   => 'Some Customer A',
        CcRealname   => 'Some Customer B',
        BccRealname  => 'Some Customer C',


Update article data.

Note: Keys Body, Subject, From, To, Cc, Bcc, ReplyTo, SenderType, SenderTypeID and IsVisibleForCustomer are implemented.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleUpdate(
        TicketID  => 123,
        ArticleID => 123,
        Key       => 'Body',
        Value     => 'New Body',
        UserID    => 123,

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleUpdate(
        TicketID  => 123,
        ArticleID => 123,
        Key       => 'SenderType',
        Value     => 'agent',
        UserID    => 123,

Events: ArticleUpdate


Delete article data, its plain message, and all attachments.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleDelete(
        TicketID  => 123,
        ArticleID => 123,
        UserID    => 123,



Write a plain email to storage. This is a delegate method from active backend.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleWritePlain(
        ArticleID => 123,
        Email     => $EmailAsString,
        UserID    => 123,


Get plain article/email from storage. This is a delegate method from active backend.

    my $PlainMessage = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticlePlain(
        ArticleID => 123,
        UserID    => 123,


    $PlainMessage = '
        From: OTRS Feedback <marketing@otrs.com>
        To: Your OTRS System <otrs@localhost>
        Subject: Welcome to OTRS!
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

        Welcome to OTRS!


Delete a plain article from storage. This is a delegate method from active backend.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleDeletePlain(
        ArticleID => 123,
        UserID    => 123,


Write an article attachment to storage. This is a delegate method from active backend.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleWriteAttachment(
        Content            => $ContentAsString,
        ContentType        => 'text/html; charset="iso-8859-15"',
        Filename           => 'lala.html',
        ContentID          => 'cid-1234',   # optional
        ContentAlternative => 0,            # optional, alternative content to shown as body
        Disposition        => 'attachment', # or 'inline'
        ArticleID          => 123,
        UserID             => 123,


Get article attachment from storage. This is a delegate method from active backend.

    my %Attachment = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleAttachment(
        ArticleID => 123,
        FileID    => 1,   # as returned by ArticleAttachmentIndex


    %Attachment = (
        Content            => 'xxxx',     # actual attachment contents
        ContentAlternative => '',
        ContentID          => '',
        ContentType        => 'application/pdf',
        Filename           => 'StdAttachment-Test1.pdf',
        FilesizeRaw        => 4722,
        Disposition        => 'attachment',


Delete all attachments of an article from storage. This is a delegate method from active backend.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleDeleteAttachment(
        ArticleID => 123,
        UserID    => 123,


Get article attachment index as hash.

    my %Index = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleAttachmentIndex(
        ArticleID        => 123,
        ExcludePlainText => 1,       # (optional) Exclude plain text attachment
        ExcludeHTMLBody  => 1,       # (optional) Exclude HTML body attachment
        ExcludeInline    => 1,       # (optional) Exclude inline attachments


    my %Index = {
        '1' => {                                                # Attachment ID
            ContentAlternative => '',                           # (optional)
            ContentID          => '',                           # (optional)
            Filesize           => '4.6 KB',
            ContentType        => 'application/pdf',
            FilesizeRaw        => 4722,
            Disposition        => 'attachment',
        '2' => {
            ContentAlternative => '',
            ContentID          => '',
            Filesize           => '183 B',
            ContentType        => 'text/html; charset="utf-8"',
            FilesizeRaw        => 183,
            Disposition        => 'attachment',


Get the definition of the searchable fields as a hash.

    my %SearchableFields = $ArticleBackendObject->BackendSearchableFieldsGet();


    my %SearchableFields = (
        'MIMEBase_From' => {
            Label      => 'From',
            Key        => 'MIMEBase_From',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'MIMEBase_To' => {
            Label      => 'To',
            Key        => 'MIMEBase_To',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'MIMEBase_Cc' => {
            Label      => 'Cc',
            Key        => 'MIMEBase_Cc',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'MIMEBase_Bcc' => {
            Label      => 'Bcc',
            Key        => 'MIMEBase_Bcc',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'MIMEBase_Subject' => {
            Label      => 'Subject',
            Key        => 'MIMEBase_Subject',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 1,
        'MIMEBase_Body' => {
            Label      => 'Body',
            Key        => 'MIMEBase_Body',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 1,
        'MIMEBase_AttachmentName' => {
            Label      => 'Attachment Name',
            Key        => 'MIMEBase_AttachmentName',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,


Get article attachment index as hash.

    my %Index = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleSearchableContentGet(
        TicketID       => 123,   # (required)
        ArticleID      => 123,   # (required)
        DynamicFields  => 1,     # (optional) To include the dynamic field values for this article on the return structure.
        RealNames      => 1,     # (optional) To include the From/To/Cc/Bcc fields with real names.
        UserID         => 123,   # (required)


    my %ArticleSearchData = {
        'From'    => {
            String     => 'Test User1 <testuser1@example.com>',
            Key        => 'From',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'To'    => {
            String     => 'Test User2 <testuser2@example.com>',
            Key        => 'To',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'Cc'    => {
            String     => 'Test User3 <testuser3@example.com>',
            Key        => 'Cc',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'Bcc'    => {
            String     => 'Test User4 <testuser4@example.com>',
            Key        => 'Bcc',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 0,
        'Subject'    => {
            String     => 'This is a test subject!',
            Key        => 'Subject',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 1,
        'Body'    => {
            String     => 'This is a body text!',
            Key        => 'Body',
            Type       => 'Text',
            Filterable => 1,


Returns 1 if article has HTML content.

    my $ArticleHasHTMLContent = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleHasHTMLContent(
        TicketID  => 1,
        ArticleID => 2,
        UserID    => 1,


    $ArticleHasHTMLContent = 1;     # or 0


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This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.

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