Description | manuals and libraries |
Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::MIMEBase::Base - base class for article storage modules
This is a base class for article storage backends and should not be instantiated directly.
Don't instantiate this class directly, get instances of the real storage backends instead:
my $BackendObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Article::Backend::MIMEBase::ArticleStorageDB');
Generate a base article content path for article storage in the file system.
my $ArticleContentPath = $BackendObject->BuildArticleContentPath();
Get article attachment index as hash.
my %Index = $BackendObject->ArticleAttachmentIndex(
ArticleID => 123,
ExcludePlainText => 1, # (optional) Exclude plain text attachment
ExcludeHTMLBody => 1, # (optional) Exclude HTML body attachment
ExcludeInline => 1, # (optional) Exclude inline attachments
OnlyHTMLBody => 1, # (optional) Return only HTML body attachment, return nothing if not found
my %Index = {
'1' => { # Attachment ID
ContentAlternative => '', # (optional)
ContentID => '', # (optional)
ContentType => 'application/pdf',
Filename => 'StdAttachment-Test1.pdf',
FilesizeRaw => 4722,
Disposition => 'attachment',
'2' => {
ContentAlternative => '',
ContentID => '',
ContentType => 'text/html; charset="utf-8"',
Filename => 'file-2',
FilesizeRaw => 183,
Disposition => 'attachment',
Get the stored content path of an article.
my $Path = $BackendObject->_ArticleContentPatGeth(
ArticleID => 123,
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