Frontend → Customer → View → Preferences


Defines the parameters for the customer preferences table.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::System::CustomerUser::Preferences::DB
  Table: customer_preferences
  TableKey: preferences_key
  TableUserID: user_id
  TableValue: preferences_value


Defines the config parameters of this item, to be shown in the preferences view.

Default value:

Active: '0'
Block: Input
Desc: 'Enter your shared secret to enable two factor authentication. WARNING: Make
  sure that you add the shared secret to your generator application and the application
  works well. Otherwise you will be not able to login anymore without the two factor
Key: Shared Secret
Label: Google Authenticator
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
PrefKey: UserGoogleAuthenticatorSecretKey
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '1100'
ValidateRegex: ^([A-Z2-7]{16}|)$
ValidateRegexMessage: The secret you supplied is invalid. The secret must only contain
  letters (A-Z, uppercase) and numbers (2-7) and must consist of 16 characters.


Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Select the main interface language.
Key: Language
Label: Interface language
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Language
PrefKey: UserLanguage
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '2000'


Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Upload your PGP key.
Key: PGP Key
Label: PGP Key
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::PGP
PrefKey: UserPGPKey
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '10000'


Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences. 'PasswordRegExp' allows to match passwords against a regular expression. Define the minimum number of characters using 'PasswordMinSize'. Define if at least 2 lowercase and 2 uppercase letter characters are needed by setting the appropriate option to '1'. 'PasswordMin2Characters' defines if the password needs to contain at least 2 letter characters (set to 0 or 1). 'PasswordNeedDigit' controls the need of at least 1 digit (set to 0 or 1 to control).

Default value:

Active: '1'
Area: Customer
Desc: Set a new password by filling in your current password and a new one.
Label: Change password
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Password
PasswordMin2Characters: '0'
PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters: '0'
PasswordMinSize: '0'
PasswordNeedDigit: '0'
PasswordRegExp: ''
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '1000'


Defines all the parameters for the RefreshTime object in the customer preferences of the customer interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
  '0': off
  '10': 10 minutes
  '15': 15 minutes
  '2': ' 2 minutes'
  '5': ' 5 minutes'
  '7': ' 7 minutes'
DataSelected: '0'
Desc: Select after which period ticket overviews should refresh automatically.
Key: Refresh interval
Label: Ticket overview
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
PrefKey: UserRefreshTime
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '4000'


Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Upload your S/MIME certificate.
Key: S/MIME Certificate
Label: S/MIME Certificate
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::SMIME
PrefKey: UserSMIMEKey
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '11000'


Defines all the parameters for the ShownTickets object in the customer preferences of the customer interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
  '15': '15'
  '20': '20'
  '25': '25'
  '30': '30'
DataSelected: '25'
Desc: Select how many tickets should be shown in overviews by default.
Key: Tickets per page
Label: Number of displayed tickets
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
PrefKey: UserShowTickets
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '4000'


Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences.

Default value:

Active: '0'
Desc: Select your preferred theme for OTRS.
Key: Select your frontend Theme.
Label: Theme
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Theme
PrefKey: UserTheme
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '1000'


Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Select your personal time zone. All times will be displayed relative to this
  time zone.
Key: Time Zone
Label: Time Zone
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::TimeZone
PrefKey: UserTimeZone
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '2500'