Frontend → Agent → View → TicketZoom


Dynamic fields shown in the sidebar of the ticket zoom screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

--- {}


Display settings to override defaults for Process Tickets.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

NavBarName: Processes
WidgetTitle: Process Information


Dynamic fields shown in the process widget in ticket zoom screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- {}


Dynamic fields groups for process widget. The key is the name of the group, the value contains the fields to be shown. Example: 'Key => My Group', 'Content: Name_X, NameY'.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- {}


AgentTicketZoom widget that displays ticket data in the side bar.

Default value:

Location: Sidebar
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketZoom::TicketInformation


AgentTicketZoom widget that displays customer information for the ticket in the side bar.

Default value:

Async: '1'
Location: Sidebar
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketZoom::CustomerInformation


AgentTicketZoom widget that displays a table of objects linked to the ticket.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketZoom::LinkTable


Shows all the articles of the ticket (expanded) in the agent zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0


Shows a link to download article attachments in the zoom view of the article in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleAttachment::Download


Shows a link to access article attachments via a html online viewer in the zoom view of the article in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleAttachment::HTMLViewer


Shows the article head information in the agent zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0


Agent interface article notification module to check PGP.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::PGP


Agent interface article notification module to check S/MIME.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::SMIME


Agent interface article notification module to check PGP.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::PGP


Agent interface module to check incoming emails in the Ticket-Zoom-View if the S/MIME-key is available and true.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::SMIME


Set the default height (in pixels) of inline HTML articles in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '100'


Set the maximum height (in pixels) of inline HTML articles in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '2500'


The maximal number of articles shown on a single page in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1000'


The maximal number of articles expanded on a single page in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '400'


Shows a link to see a zoomed email ticket in plain text.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0


Activates the article filter in the zoom view to specify which articles should be shown.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0


Whether or not to collect meta information from articles using filters configured in Ticket::Frontend::ZoomCollectMetaFilters.

This setting can be overridden in the user preferences, but is not active by default.

Default value:

--- 0


Defines a filter to collect CVE numbers from article texts in AgentTicketZoom. The results will be displayed in a meta box next to the article. Fill in URLPreview if you would like to see a preview when moving your mouse cursor above the link element. This could be the same URL as in URL, but also an alternate one. Please note that some websites deny being displayed within an iframe (e.g. Google) and thus won't work with the preview mode.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

  Name: CVE Google Search
  Target: _blank
  URLPreview: ''
- (CVE|CAN)\-(\d{3,4})\-(\d{2,})


Defines a filter to collect CVE numbers from article texts in AgentTicketZoom. The results will be displayed in a meta box next to the article. Fill in URLPreview if you would like to see a preview when moving your mouse cursor above the link element. This could be the same URL as in URL, but also an alternate one. Please note that some websites deny being displayed within an iframe (e.g. Google) and thus won't work with the preview mode.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

  Name: CVE Mitre
  Target: _blank
- (CVE|CAN)\-(\d{3,4})\-(\d{2,})


Displays the number of all tickets with the same CustomerID as current ticket in the ticket zoom view.

Default value:

--- 0


Shows the articles sorted normally or in reverse, under ticket zoom in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- reverse


Show article as rich text even if rich text writing is disabled.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1'


Shows a count of attachments in the ticket zoom, if the article has attachments.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '20'


Displays the accounted time for an article in the ticket zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0