Frontend → Admin → View → NotificationEvent


Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

AgentEnabledByDefault: '1'
Icon: fa fa-envelope
IsOTRSBusinessTransport: '0'
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::Transport::Email
Name: Email
Prio: '100'


Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

AgentEnabledByDefault: '0'
Icon: fa fa-th-list
IsOTRSBusinessTransport: '1'
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::Transport::NotificationView
Name: Web View
Prio: '110'


Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

AgentEnabledByDefault: '0'
Icon: fa fa-mobile
IsOTRSBusinessTransport: '1'
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::Transport::SMS
Name: SMS (Short Message Service)
Prio: '120'


Defines the event object types that will be handled via AdminAppointmentNotificationEvent.

Default value:

- Calendar
- Appointment


Uses richtext for viewing and editing ticket notification.

Default value:

--- '1'


Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

--- '320'


Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

--- '620'


Uses richtext for viewing and editing ticket notification.

Default value:

--- '1'


Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

This setting can be overridden in the user preferences, but is not active by default.

Default value:

--- '320'


Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

This setting can be overridden in the user preferences, but is not active by default.

Default value:

--- '620'


Defines the number of character per line used in case an HTML article preview replacement on TemplateGenerator for EventNotifications.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '80'


Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

AgentEnabledByDefault: '1'
Icon: fa fa-envelope
IsOTRSBusinessTransport: '0'
Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::NotificationEvent::Transport::Email
Name: Email
Prio: '100'


Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

AgentEnabledByDefault: '0'
Icon: fa fa-th-list
IsOTRSBusinessTransport: '1'
Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::NotificationEvent::Transport::NotificationView
Name: Web View
Prio: '110'


Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

AgentEnabledByDefault: '0'
Icon: fa fa-mobile
IsOTRSBusinessTransport: '1'
Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::NotificationEvent::Transport::SMS
Name: SMS (Short Message Service)
Prio: '120'