Core → Auth → Customer


Defines the module to authenticate customers.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::DB


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the encryption type of passwords must be specified.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- sha2


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the name of the column for the CustomerKey in the customer table must be specified.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- login


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the column name for the CustomerPassword in the customer table must be specified.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- pw


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the DSN for the connection to the customer table must be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- DBI:mysql:database=customerdb;host=customerdbhost


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, a password to connect to the customer table can be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- some_password


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the name of the table where your customer data should be stored must be specified.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- customer_user


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, a database driver (normally autodetection is used) can be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- mysql


If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, a username to connect to the customer table can be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- some_user


If "bcrypt" was selected for CryptType, use cost specified here for bcrypt hashing. Currently max. supported cost value is 31.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '12'


If "HTTPBasicAuth" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify to strip leading parts of user names (e. g. for domains like example_domain\user to user).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- example_domain\\


If "HTTPBasicAuth" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify (by using a RegExp) to strip parts of REMOTE_USER (e. g. for to remove trailing domains). RegExp-Note, $1 will be the new Login.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- ^(.+?)@.+?$


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify access attributes here.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- memberUid


If "LDAP" was selected, you can add a filter to each LDAP query, e.g. (mail=*), (objectclass=user) or (!objectclass=computer).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- (!objectclass=computer)


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the BaseDN must be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- dc=example,dc=com


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify if the applications will stop if e. g. a connection to a server can't be established due to network problems.

Default value:

--- '1'


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::Authmodule, you can check if the user is allowed to authenticate because he is in a posixGroup, e.g. user needs to be in a group xyz to use OTRS. Specify the group, who may access the system.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- cn=otrsallow,ou=posixGroups,dc=example,dc=com


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the LDAP host can be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:



If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and special paramaters are needed for the Net::LDAP perl module, you can specify them here. See "perldoc Net::LDAP" for more information about the parameters.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

async: '0'
port: '389'
timeout: '120'
version: '3'


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and your users have only anonymous access to the LDAP tree, but you want to search through the data, you can do this with a user who has access to the LDAP directory. Specify the username for this special user here.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- cn=binduser,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and your users have only anonymous access to the LDAP tree, but you want to search through the data, you can do this with a user who has access to the LDAP directory. Specify the password for this special user here.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- some_password


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the user identifier must be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- uid


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, user attributes can be specified. For LDAP posixGroups use UID, for non LDAP posixGroups use full user DN.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- UID


If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and if you want to add a suffix to every customer login name, specifiy it here, e. g. you just want to write the username user but in your LDAP directory exists user@domain.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- ''


If "Radius" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify if the applications will stop if e. g. a connection to a server can't be established due to network problems.

Default value:

--- '1'


If "Radius" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the radius host must be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- radiushost


If "Radius" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the password to authenticate to the radius host must be specified.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- radiussecret